Code of Conduct

We expect everyone to have a great time on GoYolo and enjoy their time online. Please ensure you keep to our code of conduct for everyone's enjoyment.

    Be polite, kind and respect others opinions
    Only send messages to people you are interested in getting to know
    Keep messaging via the site until you have built a suitable connection
    Don't send lots of users with the same message. It's called spamming and not productive or nice.
    Don't be rude, offensive or respond harshly to rejection
    Don't divulge you contact details until you are ready to meet.
    Don't use fake, outdated or modified photos. If you do and get reported we will close your profile
    Don't stand for abuse, report it immediately using the relevant buttons.
    Don't provoke or harass people. If they report you there is a risk of your account being closed.